The internet is often a source of knowledge, but you need to actually know how to find it, which isn't always easy, especially if you have a rather specific question in mind. And if you can't find what you're looking for with a single search, you usually will give up, but some of us become rather desperate and turn to other means. Some people need to know something seriously enough that all they can do is ask. This used to be the purpose of Yahoo! Answers, but these days, knowledge-seekers have turned more towards Quora.

Of course, all sources of knowledge, especially online, have their limits. When you directly ask someone a question online, you'll usually get some sort of snarky response, so coming across actual information this way is rare. But at the same time, that's often due to the quality of the questions themselves. The subreddit /r/InsanePeopleQuora has chronicled the questions that were a problem before any Quora user saw them, and we've curated a selection here.

Stop Disturbing My Peace And Go Out With Me

(Source: Reddit)

I Need A Translation, I Only Speak British

(Source: Reddit)

You'll Put Your Eye Out, Kid

(Source: Reddit)

Smash That Like Button

(Source: Reddit)

Is Your Child Texting About Marvel?

(Source: Reddit)

It Could Mean Anything

(Source: Reddit)

Or Is Your Child Texting About 3D Modeling?

(Source: Reddit)

It Won't Cost You Money

(Source: Reddit)

Happens All The Time

(Source: Reddit)

Doctor, Doctor, Gimme The News

(Source: Reddit)

Wouldn't That Make Them Green?

(Source: Reddit)

Well, What Do You Do?

(Source: Reddit)

When Makeup Tutorials Aren't Enough

(Source: Reddit)

LMK When He Makes A Search Engine

(Source: Reddit)

Time For A Trip To The Salon

(Source: Reddit)

Quora Would Definitely Know

(Source: Reddit)

Keep Trying, You'll Figure It Out

(Source: Reddit)

You There, What Day Is It Today?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

All You Have To Do Is Ask

(Source: Reddit)

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OK Boomer
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Yahoo! Answers

Comments 2 total

Alex Reynard

"My six year old daughter has curly hair. I like straight hair. What do I do?"

The solution is obvious. [cocks shotgun]



Shave her bald every single month.
