Whether you love it or hate it, Twisted Tea is currently in everyone's feed for its amazing way to stop racism. Apparently, the best way to stop overt racism in your local Circle K is to just slap the racist upside the head with it. The sheer force of the blow caused a tea explosion, and quickly became a meme that everyone is either currently talking about, or will be soon.

Level Up

Endgame Weapon

Good Job Dale

(Source: Facebook)

Have You Seen It Yet?

(Source: Facebook)

SMH New Banwave Inc

(Source: Facebook)

Broly Prefers Mikes Hard Lemonade

(Source: Facebook)

Ancient Saiyan Technique

(Source: Facebook)

They Kinda Needed It

(Source: Facebook)

Less Damage But Higher Crit %

(Source: Facebook)

Uhmm… Teased to Meet You?

(Source: Facebook)

Sobers Up Meth Heads Fast

(Source: Facebook)

Hard As Physically Possible

(Source: Facebook)

Rex TeaKowndo

(Source: Facebook)

But That's Impossible

(Source: Facebook)

Honorary P I M P status

(Source: Facebook)

Stay Strapped

(Source: Twitter)

Woulda Made Sasuke Stay

(Source: Twitter)

A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear

(Source: Twitter)

Tea Compartment

(Source: Twitter)

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