There are plenty of memes on the internet. It's one of its core pillars, right up there with cats. Of course that isn't to say that all memes are necessarily good. Of course, there are plenty of terrible memes, those with jokes so bad it could be considered dead. While you can sometimes give them the benefit of the doubt, and say that the memes are ironic, but sometimes you can't always get that luxury.

Reddit's /r/comedyhomicide is a perfect example of a place where jokes go to die. It contains hundreds of perfectly fine memes that were ruined by an incredibly unnecessary caption, these are the type of memes you'll find on Facebook, reposted by an old family member of sorts. You'd think that the internet has grown past the age of memes with unnecessary captions that add nothing to the joke, but unfortunately, it hasn't. Here are some of the worst offenders.

Just Terrible

(Source: Reddit)

Very Thought-Provoking

(Source: Reddit)

First Image Works Just Fine

(Source: Reddit)

Too Powerful

(Source: Reddit)

A Classic Format

(Source: Reddit's)

A Fine Addition To The Meme

(Source: Reddit)

That's How It Works Yes

(Source: Reddit)

Double Homicide

(Source: Reddit)

Live Satan Reaction

(Source: Reddit)

Sad Will Smith Is Sad

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You, Xavier

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What Does This Mean?

(Source: Reddit)

The Emoji Is The Icing On The Cake

(Source: Reddit)

Oh How The Times Change

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

We're Back In 2010

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You Again, Xavier

(Source: Reddit)

Very Insightful Caption

(Source: Reddit)

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