History memes and anime memes are already popular genres on their own. Combined, they're even better. Since anime isn't particularly focused on history, it's difficult to say why, but these memes combine the two subjects seamlessly. These are some of the most specific new history anime memes out there.

He Really Saved the Day

(Source: Reddit)

Adolf's Origin Story

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Copy His Homework

(Source: Reddit)

How Singapore Gained Independence

(Source: Reddit)

Park Saved South Korea

(Source: Reddit)

Imagine Losing a War Against Emus

(Source: Reddit)

She Wasn't Called the Gray Ghost for Nothing

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty Far Away from Here, Guys

(Source: Reddit)

Something Seems Suspicious

(Source: Reddit)

You Know You Messed Up when Mexico Calls You Out

(Source: Reddit)

Double Trouble

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Francisco

(Source: Reddit)

Am I a Joke to You?

(Source: Reddit)

Let's Take It

(Source: Reddit)

It's Just That Easy

(Source: Reddit)

Obscure Spanish History

(Source: Reddit)

No Tanks Allowed

(Source: Reddit)

Nuclear Testing

(Source: Reddit)

Sword Go Brrr

(Source: Reddit)

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History Memes
Anime / Manga
World War II


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