
19 Images You Won't Like Very Much


Published 11 months ago

Welcome to the often distressing world of Reddit's /r/TIHI, a subreddit that showcases a series of images that are bound to either send chills down your spine or just make you incredibly uncomfortable. This collection contains some of the best examples from the subreddit in the past month, from incredibly uncanny Photoshopped images to peculiar medical images that are as much educational as they are terrifying. The subreddit thrives on the unusual and the uncomfortable, turning the ordinary into the cringe-worthy and the absurd.

The internet is chock-full of cursed images, whether they're real or fake is a case-by-case scenario, but they still give you that grim feeling of "Thanks, but I wish I never saw this." This subreddit isn't just about the different things we hate/dislike, it's also a commentary on our strange fascination with the unknown, and things that give you violent reactions, whether it's making your stomach turn or making you cringe in discomfort.


(Source: Reddit)

The World Doctor's Note

(Source: Reddit)

The Most Delicious Airplane Food

(Source: Reddit)

Why So Tight?

(Source: Reddit)

Perpetually Upside Down Eight

(Source: Reddit)

Shower Thoughts

(Source: Reddit)

In Honor Of Christmas!

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Every Child's Dream Charcuterie Board

(Source: Reddit)

Next Stage Capitalism

(Source: Reddit)

Efficient Snow Clearing

(Source: Reddit)

Pig Nog, Right In Time For Christmas!

(Source: Reddit)

Introducing… Flortaly!

(Source: Reddit)

Levelled Nails!

(Source: Reddit)

Interesting Looking Sausage…

(Source: Reddit)

Christmas Was Disappointing This Year

(Source: Reddit)

Very Motivational Posters!

(Source: Reddit)

Why Get A Real Gf When You Have AI?

(Source: Reddit)

A Diabetic's Nightmare

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: thanks i hate it, tihi, cursed, cursed images, collections,
