
19 Images That Will Leave You Mildly Bewildered

Two images from r/mildlyinteresting


Published May 23, 2023

Sometimes, life can be so boring. We go about our every day without giving a lot of things a second thought, like why something is the way it is or how things work. When you look closer, though, you are almost guaranteed to find some interesting things that you likely would have missed otherwise. Maybe they aren't the most incredible, mind-blowing or life-changing things in the world, but at the very least they deserve a "hey, that's neat."

This is what Reddit's /r/mildlyinteresting is for. This subreddit is dedicated to showcasing the things in life that would otherwise just be passed by. It's for sharing all of the mildly interesting things with the rest of the world, so they too can see something cool and maybe learn something new. There are so many interesting things that can provide you with a cool fun fact to share with your friends, or just bring a little extra joy to your day. Here are just 19 of the many mildly interesting moments in the world for you to look at in awe.

These Comparisons for Falling Objects

(Source: Reddit)

The Commentary on Pineapple

(Source: Reddit)

Censored Mascots to Prevent Childhood Obesity

(Source: Reddit)

Fun Way to Carry Pizza

(Source: Reddit)

(Source: Reddit)

Only The A's Didn't Fade

(Source: Reddit)

This Fish With a Hole Through it

(Source: Reddit)

How They Make Apple Maps

(Source: Reddit)

'Lower' Priced Butter

(Source: Reddit)

Three Onions in One

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds and Noises to be Expected From a New Freezer

(Source: Reddit)

Mutant Strawberries

(Source: Reddit)

A Threadless Screw

(Source: Reddit)

Mark Zuckerberg Spotted at Jiu-Jitsu Tournament

(Source: Reddit)

Uranium Glass Collection

(Source: Reddit)

No Detergent in This Pod

(Source: Reddit)

This Box For Bike Delivery, And Its Explanation

(Source: Reddit)

One Huge Garlic

(Source: Reddit)

A Hot Handicap Assist Rail, For Some Reason

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: reddit, memes, meme, interesting, mildly interesting, r/mildlyinteresting, cool, collections,
