18 Work-Themed Memes To Get You Through Your Friday

Listen, we know it's been a long, difficult and economically turbulent couple years — those of us who still have jobs know we should be grateful. But that doesn't stop the fact that the expectation to rise and grind can get mighty tiring. Work is never easy, and even those of us who are lucky enough to love their jobs have days when they absolutely hate waking up and doing them, even if they're working remotely. Work just isn't fun to do. It's just a fact of life. It's always going to be something we make dark jokes about online, especially when we've got an awful case of the Fridays and we'd really rather be staring blankly at a wall than doing anything that involves effort.
With the weekend fast approaching, there is no better time to meditate on some memes that understand the pain, whether you're an essential worker or you're based exclusively at your kitchen table.
Phone Number
(Source: Reddit)