Reddit's community /r/boringdystopia paints a strange picture of late capitalism, where CEOs and billionaires like Elon Musk are able to send McDonald's sponsored rockets into the atmosphere (or whatever concoction of corporate indulgence you want to spin). The world we live in is pretty messed up, so why not take a look at the most obnoxious examples of a dystopian society that the online community has to offer? Yes, it's depressing, but it also reaffirms our frustrations and helps us feel less alone.

From people who work too hard for too little pay to housing that's genuinely impossible to find, we all know the daily struggles in our society. But /r/boringdystopia is a great reminder that we're not suffering alone, even though it seems like it when the rich people keep getting richer throughout this pandemic even though we keep desperately hoping another stimulus check will go through. Here are 20 images that hold a mirror up to how boring our dystopia really is.

Working Too Hard

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Instagram)

Ah, Better

(Source: Reddit)

A Way With Words

(Source: Reddit)

This Guy's On Expert Mode

(Source: Reddit)

A Generational Phenomenon

(Source: Reddit)

Working Class Tales

(Source: Twitter)

This Pic Says It All

(Source: Reddit)

All About Perspective

(Source: Reddit)

I Mean, I'll Take One

(Source: Reddit)

Facial Recognition

(Source: Reddit)

Start 'Em Young

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Unknown Tax Entity

(Source: Reddit)

You're Not You When You're Doomed

(Source: Reddit)

Looks Better

(Source: Reddit)

"Oh Yes We Did"

(Source: Reddit)

Soon Every Parent Will Buy Their Kids This And Give Them A Heartfelt Lecture About Its Importance

(Source: Reddit)

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Comments 5 total

Zeta Kai

Okay, so we live in the most banal cyberpunk novel ever, a boring, lame nightmare from which we can only "wake up" at the end of our lives. So, how can we fix this? How can we make it better?

I think that just about everyone agrees that the current system sucks, and that something needs to change fundamentally. Our civilization is perhaps on the brink of collapse, and when it does inevitably topple (be it years or decades from now), the only people who will miss it will be those who have no means of taking care of themselves or contributing to the welfare of others.

Open question to all: How would you fix this hellscape into which we are descending? Or are you actually fine with the system as it is, with no desire for change? I'm genuinely curious if anyone really supports the powers that be and the world that they have given us.


Pineapple Pen

People are part of the problem. There's no way around that that I have been able to find, and no system is going to make flawed humans better. It can reduce the problems, but it will never be perfect. I say we should all just stop reproducing because we've tried damn near everything and only ended up in an increasingly hot, dystopian, depressed, polluted world. No system has ever, to my knowledge, made all people virtuous and free from misery of some kind.


Zeta Kai

1) That's nihilistic, & I refuse to give into the bleakness our current times.

2) That's unrealistic, because not everyone is going to give up & not have kids. The meek may or may not inherit the Earth, but you can't take it with you, so those without children pass on everything to those who do have kids.

3) That's myopic, as you're forgetting/discounting all of the times throughout history when things weren't nearly this bad. Things don't have to be like this, they usually aren't, & a culture of defeatism doesn't help anything.

Succumb to your hopelessness if you wish, but I intend to pursue a path to a better way.
