
18 Pictures People Thought Were 'Deep' But Are Actually Embarrassing

Two images from /r/im14andthisisdeep in the following collection.


Published 3 years ago

Reddit's community known as /r/im14andthisisdeep captures some of the most cringeworthy posts someone uploaded online, believing their messages were deep when they were really just meaningless. From fake Joker quotes to bad memes, they're honestly pretty embarrassing, but that doesn't mean they're not funny for the rest of us — because they certainly are.

The younger generation likes to post these on social media unironically, which leaves the people viewing their stories deeply uncomfortable at times, but we have to admit it's still kind of funny that they're trying to pass something like this off as genuinely meaningful. Somehow, they are, even though we can't imagine what kind of person looks at these and feels the need to share them to send a message. We've gathered those awkward moments so you can relive the feeling of stumbling across one on your friend's page. Here are some of the best of the worst posts that aimed to be impactful but really weren't. Well, maybe they impacted us, but not in a good way.

That Profile Picture Really Adds to It

(Source: Reddit)

So Sad

(Source: Reddit)

He's Okay

(Source: Reddit)

He(e Hee)

(Source: Reddit)

Too Much Effort

(Source: Reddit)

What a Plot Twist

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Oh You 'Felt That'?

(Source: Reddit)

Happy Father's Day?

(Source: Reddit)

If Only

(Source: Reddit)

Love Is Fake

(Source: Reddit)

Time To Take Bender's Motto

(Source: (Source: Reddit)

Remember When Joker Said This?

(Source: Reddit)

Coffin Car

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Snail

(Source: Reddit)

Typing Body Parts

(Source: Reddit)

Oh No

(Source: Reddit)

Wanting to Survive Is Bad

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: memes, cringe, cringeworthy, awkward, weird, deep, she believed, sbeve, i'm14andthisisdeep, jaden smith twitter, reddit, r/im14andthisisdeep, this is deep, collections,
