The citizens, soccer moms and Karens of suburbia know a thing or two about class. Yes, we know that the average suburban family doesn't have anything that the upper class would consider fancy, since we usually steal streaming subscriptions from our friends and use whatever the nearest unsecured WIFI network is. We're not fancy, but we take pride in what we do, and we like the way we live. While we may sometimes imagine living in a mansion and behaving like the upper one percent of society, we're more comfortable adding water to soap to make more soap.

We try to seem more high-class, though, and the results of this are not always successful, but you can see the effort, at least. Whether that means filling up a charcuterie board or dressing up their dog in a sweater, middle-class people have their own type of fancy. Here are 20 instances of everyday people indulging in the only way that they know how.

Close To Home

(Source: Instagram)

It Be Like That

(Source: Instagram)


(Source: Instagram)

Mike Is Right

(Source: Instagram)

Millennial Moment

(Source: Instagram)

She'll Find A Way

(Source: Instagram)

And We Love You For It

(Source: Instagram)

Feeling Lucky

(Source: Instagram)

The Aioli Is Key

(Source: Instagram)


(Source: Instagram)


(Source: Instagram)

Like The Wild West

(Source: Instagram)

Fancy AF

(Source: Instagram)

Hyper Specific

(Source: Instagram)

It's A Luxury

(Source: Instagram)

Wage Cage Upgrade

(Source: Instagram)

Let's Make An Effort

(Source: Instagram)

Residential Flex

(Source: Instagram)

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