Game of Thrones premiered in April 2011, making last month the 14th anniversary of the influential and captivating HBO show. A decade later, so much has changed about the world, but even more has changed about the show. Characters have died, turned evil, and worse, the show has gone far past George R. R. Martin's books, and the ending has changed many people's perspectives on the entire show. Most people won't even discuss their formerly favorite show, believing the ending was so bad it soiled the entirety of the series, even though the first few seasons were believed to be some of the best episodes of television ever.

No one liked that awful Game of Thrones ending, which is understandable, but so many of us loved the series leading up to it, so we shouldn't have to abandon all of our references to it just because of some very questionable writing decisions. After so much time, it's worth remembering the good with the bad, the Starks with the Lannisters, and the warmth with the Winter, so we have a selection of memes to help.

We All Know How It Goes

(Source: Reddit)

Catch Up On The Catchphrases

(Source: Reddit)

Children Who Can Fight For Themselves

(Source: Reddit)

Complicated Family Trees

(Source: Reddit)

Codes Of Warfare

(Source: Reddit)

Honorable Standards To Uphold

(Source: Reddit)

The Battle Lines Are Drawn

(Source: Reddit)

Alliances Are Forged With Pens, Not Swords

(Source: Reddit)

Not Much Of A Foe

(Source: Reddit)

The Mysteries Were Solved

(Source: Reddit)

The Ending Was Out Of Their Hands

(Source: Reddit)

The Deepest Cut

(Source: Reddit)

No News Is Good News

(Source: Reddit)

Get Out While The Getting's Good

(Source: Reddit)

Move On To Other Things

(Source: Reddit)

Death Is No Escape

(Source: Reddit)

Could Have Been So Much Easier

(Source: Reddit)

No Muss, No Fuss

(Source: Reddit)

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Comments 3 total


I hope House of the Dragon will be good. GRRM already finished that story and D&D are not working on it.



I thought season 8 was fine.



Me too. It doesn't deserve all the hate it gets
