Where would society be without the experienced online commenter? It takes a special type of internet user to master this sector of meme culture. Most of us aren't brave enough to comment on posts. We prefer our simpler ways of being a lurker and not interfering with the online community, too scared to get roasted or downvoted over nothing, like a small grammatical error. But without active commenters, where would the internet be? How boring would all of our social media posts be?

We're truly blessed by the many wonderful comments people have left behind for all of us to read through after glancing at the meme for five seconds, then scrolling aimlessly into the responses, because we apparently have nothing better to do with our time. Beneath every piece of media on Reddit, YouTube, Tumblr and more, there's a whole realm of content curated by the witty. Here are 18 blessed comments that are their own image macros.


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Needed This Today

(Source: Reddit)

Learning Time

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Been Bamboozled

(Source: Reddit)

1,000 Ways To Die

(Source: Reddit)

He Strikes Again

(Source: Reddit)

Cut My Tongue

(Source: Reddit)

That's Unheard Of

(Source: Reddit)

Best Face Forward

(Source: Reddit)

Ghost Girl

(Source: Reddit)

2024 Campaign

(Source: Reddit)

You Love To See It

(Source: Reddit)

Uber Blessed

(Source: Reddit)

Moving Up In This World

(Source: Reddit)

For Real

(Source: Reddit)

Come Back

(Source: Reddit)

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