Dungeons & Dragons_ is the memeworthy game that's ruined our grasp of reality. It's one of the oldest role-playing games out there, and as such, it's got a huge fanbase of Redditors and other awkward internet users. It also has a bunch of middle school boys devoted to it with the same level of passion as adults, which is kind of weird, but hey, we're not here to judge you if you're in your twenties and playing D&D. It's better than most hobbies out there, and I'm also writing about memes, so I have no right to judge in the first place.

The point is, D&D deserves the appreciation it gets from the online community, and we love to see such creative memes appear every time a DM or a random player comes up with a great joke about the game. So, the community has blessed us with these memes from /r/dndmemes. Please take a look at a few of our favorites below.

At That Point You Better Have Some Savings

(Source: Reddit)

Dad Magic

(Source: Reddit)

Better Than Therapy?

(Source: Reddit)

His Name Is My Name Too

(Source: Reddit)

Imagine Humans

(Source: Reddit)

I Can't Imagine Anything Worse

(Source: Reddit)

Way Better

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Street Smarts

(Source: Reddit)

It's Not So Hard

(Source: Reddit)

True Success

(Source: Reddit)

Banana For Scale

(Source: Reddit)

Just Go With It

(Source: Reddit)

I Don't Like What This Implies

(Source: Reddit)

Consensus Was Never an Option

(Source: Reddit)

Stop Ruining It

(Source: Reddit)

This Is Healthy, Right?

(Source: Reddit)

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