Not all jokes are written, and not all memes are made. Sometimes funny things just happen on their own, and all you have to do is sit back and watch the comedy unfold. Or better yet, have others record it for you and then post it to /r/accidentalcomedy, the subreddit we've visited to collect these examples of hilarity occurring the way nature intended.

From environmental storytelling to social media posts following each other perfectly, there are no rules for what may count as accidental comedy except two: it has to be hilarious and it has to be unintentional. Did these posts manage to fit the criteria? You can be the judge.

Probably Should Rethink That

(Source: Reddit)

Is Your Food This Italian?

(Source: Twitter)

Oh That One Burns

(Source: Twitter)

Woah HP, We Meant No Offense

(Source: Reddit)

Supply and Demand

(Source: Reddit)

It's Not a Just Phase

(Source: Reddit)

Mistakes Into Miracles

(Source: Reddit)

Sussy Alphabet

(Source: Twitter)

He Said o-o

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Forget to Buckle Up!

(Source: Reddit)

If It Fits, I Sits

(Source: Reddit)

What Is The Extra Piece?

(Source: Reddit)

Never Get High On Your Own Supply

(Source: Reddit)

Just Beat It

(Source: Reddit)

Testing the Balance Changes

(Source: Reddit)

Environmental Storytelling

(Source: Reddit)

What Do You Think?

(Source: Reddit)

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Environmental Storytelling

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Joey Cannoli

The Reddit mods in that woodworking meme be like:
