17 Suspiciously Specific Tweets For A Disturbing Insight Into The Human Mind
Have you ever seen a post on social media that seems a little concerning? Maybe not because it's about something particularly upsetting, but because the subject matter is so specific that it feels like the person behind it really knows what they're talking about? Like they're probably unloading some weird secret onto everyone who scrolls by the post, something you kind of wish you've never seen? Well, even if you've never seen something like this before, you're in luck today, because we've scrolled through dozens of them and found the most unsettling ones of all, and you're about to see exactly what this phenomenon looks like.
Suspiciously specific comments are cries for help in the form of a tweet or post that doesn't make too much sense to anyone other than its original creator. From comments that are generally cursed to an overshare about one's love life, here are some of the funniest times people online were so specific that it's a bit concerning.
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