
17 Memes With Diagrams And Charts To Bring Out Your Inner Statistician


Published 3 years ago

If you have ever worked an office job, chances are you have developed a natural aversion to anything chart-shaped. Memories of dragging meetings and mind-numbing data are enough to put most people off giving any functional diagram a second glance, including pie graphs. Thankfully, the world of memes has been on a longstanding mission to change that perception. No longer are charts and graphs confined to sales targets, they can be used to document pretty much anything — some of it even humorous. Here are some of the best memes that take the world of charts and turn it upside down.

We're All In This Together

(Source: Memedroid)

Checks Out

(Source: Memedroid)

The Evolution Of Dairy

(Source: iFunny)


(Source: iFunny)


(Source: iFunny)

Hey Buddy

(Source: Memedroid)


(Source: Memedroid)

Microsoft MGTOW

(Source: Imgur)


(Source: Imgur)

Pie Meets Venn

(Source: Imgur)

9 To 5 Privilege

(Source: Reddit)

Console Wars

(Source: Reddit)

Butterfly Knife

(Source: Reddit)

The Box

(Source: Reddit)

There Was An Attempt

(Source: Reddit)

Such A Lovely Place

(Source: Dopl3r)

Battle Of The Charts

(Source: Meme)

Tags: chart, graph, diagram, data, collections, math, stats, charts, pie chart, graphs, memes,
