
16 Unsatisfied Souls Who Really Love To Complain


Published April 15, 2020

It takes a very special type of person to request a service from another without paying, or to complain online about free items that are being distributed during times of crisis brought on by a pandemic. Some people just feel so entitled that they think their oddly specific desires should go before the needs of anyone else. And most of the time, they think it should be done simply to honor them, and they're shocked when they discover their requests aren't worth making someone spend hours on something for little or no payment.

These people are known as "choosing beggars," because apparently beggars absolutely can be choosers, even though they shouldn't be. It's a lesson we all learned as children, but these people think they're above that, and they can just ignore it. Below are 16 examples collected from the subreddit /r/ChoosingBeggars, showing people operating with this mindset on various forms of social media. As always, we remain grateful for screenshots.

9 Years of Experience Required for "Low Pay but Rewarding" Job

(Source: Reddit)

When You're Dispensable

(Source: Reddit)

When Chipotle Calls You Out

(Source: Reddit)

Can't Believe They Forgot Sugar

(Source: Reddit)

And Somehow Hawaiian Shirts With Floral Patterns Are Ok

(Source: Reddit)

Can You Please Give Me One That Also Lights Up? Thanks!

(Source: Reddit)

What's Number 3?

(Source: Reddit)

The Confidence In This Post Though

(Source: Reddit)

We're All Nurses Now

(Source: Reddit)

The First Person To Call Toilet Paper Useless In Spring 2020

(Source: Reddit)

Thoughts And Prayers

(Source: Reddit)

You're Clearly Not Doing Enough

(Source: Reddit)

Artists Should Always Remain Poor

(Source: Reddit)

Yep, Definitely Calling You A Jerk

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

DiSnEy Is OnLy 4 KiDz

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/choosingbeggars, taylor swift, coronavirus, starbucks, costco, artists, chipotle, healthcare workers, toilet paper, grocery shopping, face masks, etsy, mr. beast, hackers, minecraft, at&t, restaurants, discrimination, disney+, collections,
