So, you think you're smarter than a fifth-grader? Well, you might be surprised. There are some kids out there with higher IQs than most adults, using their special skills to cheat on tests, steal candy and whatever else a child mastermind might spend their brain energy on. We don't really know how they got to be so quick-witted, but they seem to be young supervillains in the making. They've outwitted their parents and peers, and now they're smarter than we could ever imagine a kid could be.

Children are well-known for their dumb behavior, but not always. Once in a while, a child comes around that seems like it belongs in an X-Files episode rather than a first-grade classroom. It turns out that kids can be very smart. They're constantly confusing and scaring us day by day — at least when they're not acting dumb every other chance they get. Here are 16 times kids proved to be hilariously smarter than adults.

Boss Baby

(Source: Instagram)

Keep Thinkin' Bobby

(Source: Instagram)

Not Bad, Kid

(Source: Facebook)

CEO In The Making

(Source: Facebook)

3 Years Old

(Source: Facebook)

Future Banksy

(Source: Facebook)

The Kid Who Is An Imposter

(Source: Facebook)

Adapt And Overcome

(Source: Facebook)

Future McDonald's Manager

(Source: Facebook)

Genius Parent Moment

(Source: Facebook)

Yeah, To Jail

(Source: Facebook)


(Source: Facebook)

Correction: Parents Get Paid

(Source: Facebook)

What Else Will They Discover?

(Source: Facebook)

Someone Should Ask Him Out

(Source: Instagram)

Got 'Em

(Source: Instagram)

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Comments 2 total


A lot of these sound made up, especially the 3 year old doing the dead Mufasa cake and little girl speaking profoundly on love. Pure glurge



On top of sounding made up, the one speaking "profoundly" about love clearly overlooked that those reasons were why the relationship started. Love takes time to grow, and in the meantime those qualities act as seeds for the affection to grow around.
