While modeling jobs may be hard to secure, modeling for commercialized photography is a little different. However, it sure takes a lot of courage to pose for stock photos that may or may not ruin your career. If you've been online at all in the past decade, you've definitely seen people being mocked for their stock photo appearances, and it's become quite commonplace in viral humor.

Stock photos are truly an enigma. Some of them have concepts that no one should have ever come up with, and we're honestly pretty concerned for the people who made these actors pose like this and then willingly made these pictures available online forever. While some are harmless, it's the surreal nature of the images collected in the subreddit /r/WtfStockPhotos that make you wonder just how much these models and photographers are being paid for these jobs. Below are some of our favorite stock photos that really shouldn't have been made.

What Watching The Political Debates In The United States Feels Like

(Source: Reddit)

Please Call It The Popeyes' Chicken Sandwich For Fun

(Source: Reddit)

Try And Date An Animal That Doesn't Talk Next Time

(Source: Reddit)

OlDeR TeChNoLoGy iS sO hArD FoR KiDs To UnDerStAnD

(Source: Reddit)

Is This An Old Advertisement For Napster?

(Source: Reddit)

At Least Your Stomach Won't Cry

(Source: Reddit)

Well, That's One Way To Find Out Your Kid's A Serial Killer

(Source: Reddit)

The Worst Part About This Photo Is Strangely The Flip Phone

(Source: Reddit)

Ancestry.com Will Have Fun With That Kid's DNA

(Source: Reddit)

When You Hang Out With Your Anxiety

(Source: Reddit)

Can't Let The Corn Catch The Coronavirus

(Source: Reddit)

When You Retweet Yourself

(Source: Reddit)

How It Feels The Day After Working Out For The First Time In Months

(Source: Reddit)

Potatoes Above All

(Source: Reddit)

What's It Like Holding An Office Job In Florida

(Source: Reddit)

What Does This Mean? I Need Answers

(Source: Reddit)

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Stock Photography
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Comments 3 total


this is my favorite one:


NFTs are bad for the enviroment

I don't think the laptop seems that bizzare of a stock image…



It doesn't happen often, but you did good with this one, KYM… kudos
