If there's one thing that will probably never change, it's how out-of-touch corporations are with the general public. It seems that there is a direct correlation between how far up the corporate ladder you climb and how little you appeal to the current generation. Most companies or positions of power are usually held by Boomers who know very little about current online trends, so it seems that whenever they try to make any piece of media to market their product to Gen Z kids, it feels incredibly forced.

Reddit's subreddit /r/FellowKids collects all of those failed marketing attempts by people in positions of power to try to appeal to whatever's currently trending. Whether it's a popular meme many months ago or a recent trend on TikTok, these images are all trying too hard to appeal to their target audience and are failing miserably. Here are some of the worst offenders of the past month.

Certified Railfan Moment

(Source: Reddit)

Venom Is Lit!

(Source: Reddit)

Epic Eviction Notice!

(Source: Reddit)

Personally I would happily leave an apartment where my landlord uses emojis in an eviction notice.

Chick-Fil-A Is So Hip With The Millennials!

(Source: Reddit)

What A Catastrophe

(Source: Reddit)

My Teen Will Destroy The World!

(Source: Reddit)

They're Becoming Self-Aware…

(Source: Reddit)

Rest In Peace To A Real One…

(Source: Reddit)

"Touch Grass"

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You Chungus Meme Community!

(Source: Reddit)

Elon Musk somehow always finds a way to make it on any listicle related to Boomers…

Unspoken Rizz

(Source: Reddit)

Be A Top G

(Source: Reddit)

Dominos Trying Waaay Too Hard

(Source: Reddit)

Shout Out To The Main Man!

(Source: Reddit)

Just Terrible

(Source: Reddit)

The Collab I Didn't Know We Needed

(Source: Reddit)

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Baby Boomers
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"How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?"


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