
15 WikiHow Memes That Are Better Than The Real Articles


Published 4 years ago

The amount of valuable knowledge that exists on the internet is endless. As everyone pretty much knows, if you need assistance with performing a new task, your best bet is hitting up wikiHow for instructions. Thanks to the subreddit /r/DisneyVacation, people have joined in on updating frightening wikiHow images with way better captions. Here are 15 of our favorites.


(Source: Reddit)

Love This Design

(Source: Reddit)

Elon Musk Loves WikiHow

(Source: Reddit)

Hate When That Happens

(Source: Reddit)

Showing Mom All The Love

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Protect Your Plants

(Source: Reddit)

Just Make Sure To Pay For Their Therapy Later

(Source: Reddit)

Impress Your Friends

(Source: Reddit)

It's Ok To Have Passions

(Source: Reddit)

Do Whatever You Can

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Good Luck, You're Gonna Need These

(Source: Reddit)

Grateful For The Fans

(Source: Reddit)

Well, It's Groundhog Day Again

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/disneyvacation, zoom, boss, snakes, social distancing, alcohol, quarantine, coronavirus, college graduate, mother's day, protests, elon musk, microwaves, horses, vomit, stuffed animals, beatbox, lithuania, mixtapes, fan mail, collections,
