It's a pretty rough world out there, huh? Between work or school and trying to better yourself every day (hopefully), there's a lot of heartbreak and struggle that is going to leave you stressed out. When times are challenging like this, remember memes, especially wholesome memes exist, which are surely going to brighten up your day and leave a wide smile on your face.

Tough week? Bad news all over the internet? Well, that makes sense, because the internet can be a pretty dark place at times. That's exactly why we handpicked these top 15 wholesome memes from last month, which are definitely going to drizzle a bit of sweetness on your stressful week. And there's an obvious reason why wholesome memes are getting popular day by day, because who doesn't love a bit of light-hearted and uplifting humor in their lives?

Look at his smile

(Source: Reddit)

The ear to ear smile says it all.

Her dad's response

(Source: Reddit)

Doofenshmirtz being a good dad

(Source: Reddit)

Wholesome helper

(Source: Reddit)

Wholesome mom got BANanas

(Source: Reddit)

Dad being a dad

(Source: Reddit)

Dad jokes never fail to make us smile despite how bad they can be at times.

Yes! Show off Grandpa!

(Source: Reddit)

This art school ain't ready for Grandpa.


(Source: Reddit)

Always like God's gift

(Source: Reddit)

Escaped death, lived punk

(Source: Reddit)

That's so adorable

(Source: Reddit)

That's the seal's baby now!

Mom's umbrella actually looks cool

(Source: Reddit)

Wholesome dinner selection

(Source: Reddit)

It's the friends we make along the way

(Source: Reddit)

Brb buying a teddy bear for myself, Goodnight!

(Source: Reddit)

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