15 Unexpectedly Wholesome Images To Brighten Your Day

If you're feeling bummed out about the fact that the work week isn't over (most of us are feeling the same way), it's not always easy to stay positive. It's hard to give up on the weekend. Things were much better over the weekend, when we could sleep until noon, regret our decisions, and then spend the rest of the day ruminating on the thought that work will start up again tomorrow. Some days, dragging our way through the work week can feel pretty awful, but we can take some steps to prevent this with some high-quality content from all over the web.
We hope you're not miserable right now, but even in this case, unexpectedly wholesome images are right for you. They start out feeling just as sarcastic and negative as our moods today, but eventually, they turn out much better. Hopefully, our weeks will do the same as time goes on. But in the meantime, here are some of our favorites to start your week off right.