15 Truly Outstanding Moments Of Cringe
Even though you might be feeling down about the current state of the world, we're willing to bet that you're having a way better day than the following people. Below is a list of some of the most uncomfortable social media posts we could find from the subreddit /r/SadCringe, which provides that exact combination of visual pain. Cringeworthy content is always bad enough, but when you add on that extra layer of nihilism or depression, there's something really special.
Sad cringe is unrivaled in the awkward emotions it makes you feel on behalf of someone you don't even know. And the online community is completely full of this sort of content. Luckily for you, we've picked the best of the worst to make your life feel a little better in comparison. The uncomfortable interactions are almost artistic in nature, glimpses into a part of humanity you'd rather not believe existed. Here's hoping all of these poor souls can bounce back soon.