These people were the unfortunate recipients of the worst haircuts anyone's ever seen. Strangely enough, they don't look too bothered by them. I mean, they had to have asked for them, right? We're all familiar with the popular format where a barber says "I got you, fam" to a very specific request and creates a beautiful work of art with someone's hair. But clearly, the barber just didn't get them this time.

These haircuts are so bad that these people were probably added to some sort of offender registry the moment they walked out of the barbershop. If you were walking down the street by these people and saw them, you'd cross to the other side of the street to avoid them. Yes, they're really that bad, and until you see them for yourself, you won't understand just how badly some people have failed to comprehend any sense of style, let alone dignity. So if you're having a bad hair day, we can guarantee you'll feel a whole lot better about your own looks when you see these.

Yeah, That's About What I'd Expect Him to Look Like

(Source: Reddit)

I can't imagine how terrifying and strange it would be to be kidnapped only to be forced to play Yahtzee against your will for 36 consecutive hours without a break.

There's a Lot Going On Here

It's Called Style

(Source: Reddit)

Jodie Foster's Hair in 1987

(Source: Reddit)

Local Senate Candidate

(Source: Reddit)

Okay, so it's not technically hair hair, but I think you agree that this belongs here.

Phone Holder

From an Anatomy Textbook

(Source: Reddit)

Save Some Cousins for the Rest of Us, Bro

(Source: Reddit)

I bet he scores a lot of women back home in Alabama.

They're Known as the "Finger Sniffers"

(Source: Reddit)

Found at Disney

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Yes, this clearly does make you irresistible to men. Take note: this haircut is the secret to becoming the most attractive version of yourself.


(Source: Reddit)

Nice Tire Tracks

(Source: Reddit)

This guy wants you to know that he owns a truck, and that he's overcompensating for something.

Apparently It's Called the "Skullet and Sunnies"

(Source: Reddit)

Roads? Where We're Going, We Don't Need Roads

(Source: Reddit)

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