
15 Terrifying Things People Have Woken Up To


Published 4 years ago

If you're currently finding it hard to sleep properly during lockdown, you might want to look away from the following r/AskReddit question. This week, Reddit u/link229 asked, "What's the scariest thing that's ever woken you up during the middle of the night?" and these answers didn't disappoint. Here are 15 of our favorite answers filled with insects, creepy toys, and potential invaders that severely disrupted people's sleeping habits.

The Timing Couldn't Be Any Worse

(Source: Reddit)

Glad You Had A Weapon

(Source: Reddit)

Sell That Home Immediately

(Source: Reddit)

How Comforting

(Source: Reddit)

Revenge Of The Posters

(Source: Reddit)

Oh Hell No

(Source: Reddit)

How Cute

(Source: Reddit)

Um Excuse Me

(Source: Reddit)

Glad It Was Your Last

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe He Wanted To Cook You A Meal?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Once A Month?!

(Source: Reddit)

Genuinely Afraid To Find Out What This Sound Is

(Source: Reddit)

Ban All Balloons

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty Sure This Is A Scene From Poltergeist?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: askreddit, scariest sounds, middle of the night, the conjuring, earthquake, rats, spiders, clowns, balloons, crutches, music, doorknob, posters, foxes, dreams, cats, dogs, cops, shadows, tornado sirens,
