15 Problematic Posts That Really Needed To Be Called Out
It's safe to say that one will certainly come into contact with at least one terrible person while living on planet Earth. Unfortunately, it seems like they're everywhere, but luckily this isn't the case at all, and most of us recognize these sorts of people as completely awful. We wouldn't want to meet any of these terrible people who post on social media in real life. It's still pretty ridiculous when one does pop up, though. It's like watching someone deliberately do everything wrong, yet they genuinely believe they're in the right.
Often, we can spot them in public places, especially on our own social media feeds. Hiding behind a computer screen seems to be the method of choice for harassing others or simply saying hateful things that no one wants to hear. The subreddit /r/f**kthesepeople currently exists as a home to house all of these delightful photos and posts that will have you shaking your head. Here are 15 of the craziest posts that definitely should have never been shared in the first place.