Now that Thanksgiving is behind us in America, we could all use a reminder that some people go way too far with their food, as if the holiday wasn't enough already. Sometimes, people get carried away. It doesn't just happen around the holidays, but it's a pretty common theme to see in November and December as people celebrate the holiday season in some questionable ways. And fortunately for us, this Thanksgiving has left us with some truly awful food creations amongst the gross everyday meals we see online.

Hopefully, no one showed up at your Thanksgiving with anything like this. But if they did, we're so sorry you had to witness something so horrible in person, because the rest of us are just doing it through the safety of our computers. And we've found some pretty disgusting ones, so get ready for some of the dumbest foods found in recent times to prove that maybe your Thanksgiving potluck wasn't so bad.


(Source: Reddit)

Peanut Butter Salad

(Source: Reddit)

Absolutely not. This should be illegal.

Interesting Take on Garlic Bread

(Source: Reddit)

That's Actually Horrifying

(Source: Reddit)

No Thank You, I'll Pass

(Source: Reddit)

Classic British Meal in America

(Source: Reddit)

Yes, we Americans are very ashamed of ourselves.

Halloween Treats

(Source: Reddit)

Bathtub Meat

(Source: Reddit)

Clamdy Canes

(Source: Reddit)

The perfect holiday treat.

A Cake Decorated in Real Hair

(Source: Reddit)

Alright, well, this was clearly a terrible mistake.

This Must Be How Priests Bless Communion Wafers

(Source: Reddit)

Reverse Chili Chocolate

(Source: Reddit)

Chocolate-Covered Pickle in Texas

(Source: Reddit)

"Seafood" Pizza

(Source: Reddit)

The catch is all the seafood is inedible.

I Wonder Why The Husband Has Heartburn

(Source: Reddit)

I'm pretty sure this is a form of spousal abuse.

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