We all love animals, and we especially love pictures and videos of animals doing silly things. The online world is packed full of clips of our beloved pets and furry companions doing all sorts of silly shenanigans. Whether it's pictures of cats being derps or funny pictures of wild animals taken by accident, the possibilities are endless for what they can get up to.

Reddit's /r/animalsbeingderps is a massive depository of all images, clips, and gifs of animals being the goofiest and silliest they can be. There's always something quite endearing about seeing animals doing stupid things online, especially if they're completely wild animals that would otherwise be incredibly dangerous in a real-life encounter (like bears, tigers and other predators). We hope this collection can help put a smile on your face and make your day just a little bit better.

Squirrel Not Enjoying That Wind

(Source: Reddit)

Selfie Bear

(Source: Reddit)

Sometimes bears are almost like big fuzzy dogs (except for the fact that they can be extremely deadly).


(Source: Reddit)

Pet Drives Or Puppy Disks?

(Source: Reddit)

Dishwasher Cat

(Source: Reddit)

When You See The Opportunity, Take It!

(Source: Reddit)

Odd Looking Bird

(Source: Reddit)

It's A Dog Eat Chicken World

(Source: Reddit)

I Didn't Know Pepsi Came With Prizes Now

(Source: Reddit)

Do My Work Or Pet My Cat?

(Source: Reddit)

Derpy Or Ungodly Handsome?

(Source: Reddit)

Snuggly Kitties

(Source: Reddit)

Odd Looking Capybara

(Source: Reddit)

Derpy Frog Dog

(Source: Reddit)

Friendly Encounter

(Source: Reddit)

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