Apologies in advance for forcing you to use your brain this afternoon, but we need to figure out what is actually going on in these photos. The subreddit /r/ConfusingPerspective collects images from all around the world that unintentionally display a situation that appears bizarre in a photograph. Here are 15 of our favorites.

How Big Is That Yarn?

(Source: u/goodearscratches)

A 3D Quilt

(Source: u/Arialene)

My Favorite Meteorologist

(Source: u/i-like-to-be-wooshed)

Excuse Me What?!

(Source: u/dkhrm)

What Happened To Liev Schreiber?

(Source: u/gurjeetchahal91)

A Growing Beagle

(Source: u/Im_Ashe_Man)

A Cat With Two Heads

(Source: u/kanoox)

That Sauce Is Flying

(Source: u/mightbedylan)

He Swears He's Wearing Pants

(Source: u/Mardy_McFly)

Sir, Where is Your Torso?

(Source: u/kevinspacecakes)

Attack Of The Giant Baboons

(Source: u/Skweebinstein)

My Head Hurts

(Source: u/digdilem)

What Jaws Sequel Is This?

(Source: u/fyflate89)

When You Love Living In Books

(Source: u/bluemozzarella)

That's One Way To Give A Speech

(Source: u/Flamind666)

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I h­­a­­v­­e m­­a­­d­­e $­­1­­6­­4­­9­­8 i­­n o­­n­­e m­­o­­n­­t­­h b­­y w­­o­­r­­k­­i­­n­­g f­­r­­o­­m h­­o­­m­­e. W­­h­­e­­n I l­­o­­s­­t m­­y o­­f­­f­­i­­c­­e j­­o­­b 3 m­­o­­n­­t­­h a­­g­­o, I w­­a­­s v­­e­­r­­y u­­p­­s­­e­­t a­­n­­d a­­n u­­n­­s­­u­­c­­c­­e­­s­­s­­f­­u­­l t­­r­­y f­­o­­r a j­­o­­b h­­u­­n­­t I w­­a­­s f­­o­­u­­n­­d t­­h­­i­­s o­­n­­l­­i­­n­­e j­­o­­b. a­­n­­d n­­o­­w I a­­m a­­b­­l­­e t­­o e­­a­­r­­n t­­h­­o­­u­­s­­a­­n­­d­­s f­­r­­o­­m h­­o­­m­­e. E­­v­­e­­r­­y­­b­­o­­d­­y c­­a­­n d­­o t­­h­­i­­s j­­o­­b a­­n­­d e­­a­­r­­n m­­o­­r­­e d­­o­­l­­l­­a­­r­­s o­­n­­l­­i­­n­­e b­­y f­­o­­l­­l­­o­­w t­­h­­i­­s l­­i­­n­­k­­.­­.­­… HERE► https://www.works79.com



You speak to an unthinking machine which adheres to your mantra better than you, for it will never respond. The false promise has been offered, it will either ensnare a sucker or won't.



Points for someecards. It has been a minute since I've seen those..
