
15 People Who Should Never Write Their Own Jokes


Published 4 years ago

As much as everyone may wish they were a comedian, only a select few can truly pull off a decent joke. It's not as easy as you might think to come up with something funny. That's why lots of us scroll aimlessly through the comment sections instead of posting, afraid we'll be mocked for not saying something entertaining enough. But sometimes, people think they're funny even though they clearly aren't, which is a lot worse, because they then force everyone else to look at their bad joke and shake their heads in annoyance and a little bit of secondhand embarrassment.

However, online, this rule clearly doesn't apply, since awful jokes can be found in the thousands throughout Twitter and Reddit. Below are 15 attempts at comedy that 100% failed because a user decided to explain the same joke or just repeated what was said before them. Here are 15 of our favorites collected from the subreddit /r/YourJokeButWorse.

A Controversial Comment Indeed

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah Bro

(Source: Reddit)

If Only

(Source: Reddit)

Joke Translator

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone is wrong here

(Source: Reddit)

Looks Familiar

(Source: Reddit)

Just Because It's Shorter, Doesn't Mean It's Better

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I Want To Switch Light My Eyes On Fire

(Source: Reddit)

Batman has all the powers

(Source: Reddit)

Thou Shall Stop Repeating The Same Jokes

(Source: Reddit)

Delete Your Account

(Source: Reddit)

The Passive Aggression Is Strong In This Text Exchange

(Source: Reddit)

ALSO, Iran

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/yourjokebutworse, teachers, beethoven, adam and eve, julius caesar, mcdonald's, horoscopes, bacteria, bert and ernie, pop rocks, nintendo switch, bill2020, office space, baby yoda, iran, collections,
