The classic meme genre of "advice animals" has always been one of the internet's favorite types of memes, even in the modern era. While they might look old, they've always been easy to use and are often highly relatable. With an advice animal, you can joke about all the nonsense you deal with in your daily life, from work and family drama to politics or dating.

Though they've fallen out of the spotlight over the years to some degree, there are still some great versions suited to modern meme enjoyers. In particular, there's a lot out there we all can still relate to, like those about the daily annoyances associated with living in a world with annoying human beings or having to restart our commute to work every day. If the work week is already bringing you down, these memes can be a great reminder that you're not alone out there, and now that it's halfway to the weekend, why not celebrate with some classic memes? Here are some of our favorites to get you through the day on the right note.

Whenever I Buy Anything

(Source: Reddit)

That Hurts

(Source: Reddit)

This One Hurts Too

(Source: Reddit)

Ruined It

(Source: Reddit)

Well, At Least You Did

(Source: Reddit)

Unsubscribing Is Impossible

(Source: (Source: Reddit)

Family Dinners

(Source: Reddit)

Business Contact Forms

(Source: Reddit)

I Hate This

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks For Asking Nicely

(Source: Reddit)

If Someone Does This to You, Be Happy They Weren't Into You

(Source: Reddit)

It's for the Cats I Swear

(Source: Reddit)

When You Want Someone Else to Do the Work for a Change

(Source: Reddit)

Nice Try Amazon

(Source: Reddit)

"Convenience Fees"

(Source: Reddit)

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