
15 Of The Scariest Signs Found In The Wild

a collection of scary signs images


Published October 05, 2020

Since it's finally Summerween, we're happy to start celebrating Halloween. If you ever wanted to feel like you're a part of a horror film, definitely hit up the following caves, hikes, and trails that are filled with terror below. The following images are collected from the subreddit /r/ScarySigns, where users will post actual photographs of signs they've found around the world, warning them of sickness or death. Below are 15 of the craziest signs that have no problem informing visitors how they'll die.

Just Like You!

(Source: u/SarahMonterosa)

Poor Norman

(Source: u/Squash2172)

Thank You For The Skull And Bones

(Source: u/mondogirl)

Anything Missing?

(Source: u/Apple-plus-Insanitea)

When You Need To Use The Caps Lock

(Source: u/penderyn-shots)

That's A Wasp Planet

(Source: u/PKLKickballer)

What A Cute Living Room

(Source: u/jaygerhulk)

Definitely Not Opening Those Doors

(Source: u/lesfrerespiquet)

Please Stop Yelling At Me!

(Source: u/flhughes)

What Isn't An Explosive Atmosphere?

(Source: u/rusty_rivet)

Nice Flowers You Got There

(Source: u/vetaplex)

Nooksack Falls Seems Chill

(Source: u/puaahunter)

The Exclamation Point Really Adds To This

(Source: u/dothisdontdothat)

Maybe Treat These Goats Better?!

(Source: u/Usrname132)


(Source: u/katiekat1125)

Tags: /r/scarysigns, halloween, zoo, death, dismount, drops, london zoo, animals, goats, poison, hazard, toxic gas, drowning, wasps, water levels, purged, contained, crimes, joshua tree, collections,
