
15 Of The Best Memes That Made It Past Our Weekly 'Meme Checkpoint'


Published 4 years ago

We know our fans have the best taste in memes out there. Once in a while, we reach out to you guys for meme recommendations, and the responses you give us are pretty great. We call this our weekly meme checkpoint, and it's our favorite part of every week. But we can't just keep these to ourselves, especially since some of these are especially timely and entertaining. It's time for our roundup of all of the best memes we received from our weekly meme checkpoint challenge!

On Facebook, we pulled over fans of the official Know Your Meme page and asked them to show us the most recent meme in their phone, so we can keep track of what you guys are laughing at this week. It's that simple, and each meme shares something about all of you and the society we live in. Out of the numerous responses we got, here are the best memes submitted to the post from this week.

Gotta Prepare

(Source: Facebook)

Give Me This Now

(Source: Facebook)

Clowning 101

(Source: Facebook)

Please Don't Ask Questions

(Source: Facebook)

I'm Now Encouraged To Read All Of His Tweets

(Source: Facebook)

What Is Even Going On Anymore?

(Source: Facebook)

Welcome To June 1st

(Source: Facebook)

Excited To See June's

(Source: Facebook)


(Source: Facebook)


(Source: Facebook)

Don't You Hate Fake Friends?

(Source: Facebook)

It's Been Real

(Source: Facebook)

Valid Question

(Source: Facebook)

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

(Source: Facebook)

Put Those Gators To Use

(Source: Facebook)

Tags: meme checkpoint, biblical, cheeseburger oreos, clowning, giving a presentation, reading rainbow, steve harvey, 2020, u.s. riots, spacex, uniforms, karen, me and the boys, toy story, alligators, collections,
