Any parent can tell you that kids can be a lot to handle. They can be adorable, but much more often, they're idiotic. We can't blame them. Their big ideas are too large for their tiny brains. Children like to think they're profound on certain issues they know nothing about or that their very specific desires are to be respected no matter the cost. In a way, they're just like the rest of us, but we have to say they're not as bright as we expect them to be a lot of the time.

If you're considering having a child, maybe these images below will make you change your mind. Or, they'll encourage you further, since you might love having kids around to see antics such as these and report them on social media like these parents did. Now, we can feel much better about our childhood selves, because at least we were never as dumb as this. These kids are some of the funniest around, and they won't understand why until they're older. Here are some of Reddit's favorite dumb (but loveable) kids.

Granola Bar

Amazing Poetry


I Have a Lot of Questions

Pet Rock

$10 Mode

Stuck in the Cat Tower

Upset Because He Can't Eat the Dog Food

Love the Hair

Hello Darkness My Old Friend


You'll Have to Breathe Eventually

Found All These Woodchips in a Single Boot the Kid Was Wearing


When Your Kid's an Artist

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