Breaking Bad is one of the most popular TV shows of all time. It's mostly footage of a former high school teacher losing his mind and indirectly causing hundreds of deaths, but it also makes great memes. While they might not be the most wholesome memes out there, they're still some of the best if you understand the jokes. These are some of the best memes from the show that fans will understand and love.

Suddenly It's Fast

(Source: Reddit)

That Poor Kid

(Source: Reddit)

El Camino

(Source: Reddit)

A Smart Decision

(Source: Reddit)

Because Manufacturers Are So Much Better

(Source: Reddit)

Gamer Gus

(Source: Reddit)

He's Evolved

(Source: Reddit)

Pilot Episode Jesse vs Finale Jesse

(Source: Reddit)

Seconds Before Disaster

(Source: Reddit)

Just One More Murder

(Source: Reddit)

Looks About Right

(Source: Reddit)

Visits with Grandma

(Source: Reddit)

You Should Be Very Worried

(Source: Reddit)

It's Contaminated, Jesse

(Source: Reddit)

Being Friendly Is Great

(Source: Reddit)

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"Science, Btch!" was the meme that introduced me to this show, and it turned out to be yet another "beam me up Scotty" moment hah (Jesse actually says – yeah, science, Mr Walter).
