We understand that Mondays can be tough in general, so we're choosing to make yours a little bit better with our weekly wholesome meme collection. Below you will find 15 of our favorite images that should send you to a way better place than you currently are right now.

Wish I Still Astounded People With My Walking Skills

(Source: Reddit)

Fell For It Every Time

(Source: Reddit)

Daily Reminders

(Source: Reddit)

And You Didn't Even Need To Win A Championship Game For It

(Source: Reddit)

French Fries Are The Cure

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Throw It Out

(Source: Reddit)

It's All About Confidence

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone Is Learning New Skills In The Lockdown

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You, Friends

(Source: Reddit)

Make That Turn

(Source: Reddit)

Will Do, Kirby

(Source: Reddit)

Appreciate It

(Source: Reddit)

Dogs Are Thriving In 2020

(Source: Reddit)

Keep Going!

(Source: Reddit)

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