Most of us have experienced social anxiety at some point. For others, it can be a daily experience that results in pure frustration. In order to combat this daily annoyance, many have taken to making memes to mock their struggle with this particular type of anxiety. Here are 15 of our favorites collected from the subreddit /r/SocialAnxiety.

Why Did I Agree To This

(Source: Reddit)

All Of The Time

(Source: Reddit)

24-7 Panic

(Source: Reddit)

So Many Ways To Describe The Pain

(Source: Reddit)

Only A Few More Hours Of Misery

(Source: Reddit)

Please Just Text, Please Just Text

(Source: Reddit)

Never Forget

(Source: Reddit)

Cool Cool Cool Cool

(Source: Reddit)

Who Invited Them?

(Source: Reddit)

I Need A Vacation

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Look At Me

(Source: Reddit)

Give Me Some Time

(Source: Reddit)

Truly The Worst 30 Seconds

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Please Don't Make Me

(Source: Reddit)

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