If you live in America, things have been getting weird for the past few days. Whether you're a driver or you refuse to step outside your home, you're inevitably seeing signs of the gas shortage everywhere. After the Colonial Pipeline was hacked last week, people have been stashing gas in containers and plastic bags to bargain away their lives within the Mad Max situation that they believe is coming.

As you can probably guess based on that sentence, this collection was created last year, but now that gas prices are soaring worldwide, it's just as relevant today as the time last year when people were packing plastic trash bags full of gas to sell secondhand. It's only a matter of time before we're at that panicked point again, but until then we can just shake our heads at the gas price while filling our cars up anyway, unable to do anything about the high costs. Here are the best memes from the remnants of American society looking on from the West Coast, where gas is never under $3 anyway.

Tesla Owners

(Source: Reddit)

Panic Buying

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty High

(Source: Reddit)

We Found the Cause of the Shortage

(Source: Reddit)

Not Panicking Over Here

(Source: Reddit)

We're In the Endgame Now

(Source: Reddit)

Where Is It?

(Source: Reddit)

You Guys Did the Same Thing with Toilet Paper a Year Ago

(Source: Reddit)

It's Always Expensive Out There

(Source: Reddit)

Until the Power Goes Out

(Source: Reddt)

Good Idea

(Source: Reddit)

That's It

(Source: Reddit)

Very Poor Decision

(Source: Reddit)

I'd Hate to Work at a Gas Station Right Now

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

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And this friends, is why hoarding during times of emergencies is often a crime. In extreme circumstances (like war) it can even lead to pretty much immediate execution (Germany in the late stages of WW2 and Stalingrad and Leningrad during their respective sieges).

Because a shortage alone may be bad, but can be handled via proper distribution… but hoarders have the tendency to make a bad situation worse, and turn a minor problem into a major crisis by monopolizing the resource that currently needs carefully allocated distribution.

Many famines have also been created by a food shortage combined with hoarding.
