If you didn't know, apparently we are living in 1984 now. We always live in a constant state of 1984 because 1984 means something, somewhere, is getting censored. Does this make sense? Not really, but neither do the people who try to make comparisons between George Orwell's 1984 and every little thing that happens today. Anytime something happens they'll start claiming, "Wow, this is just like 1984," no matter what the circumstances really are. The format itself is based on a political comic that has two different meme variants: changing what the wife is saying and changing the date on the calendar. Here are some examples.

Cue The Truth Ministry

There's A Good Reason

Of Course, Alabama Needs This Warning

You Can't Do This To Me

(Source: Reddit)

The Original

(Source: Townhall)

Okay Dear

Big Bro Jerma

(Source: Reddit)

They Messed With Physics

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

How She Do Dat?

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, Captain Obvious

(Source: Reddit)

Just Checking It


(Source: Twitter)

Foxy No!

(Source: Reddit)

Just Buy Stocks

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Comments 3 total

Concerned Troll

There is not a chance in hell that whoever drew "The Original" was born after 1984. I swear I can hear the author saying where they were when Kennedy was shot.



Correct, Varvel was born in 1957.



Good news, Celina 52 Truck Stop stopped monitoring your masturbation. Drop the kids off at the pool to your heart's content.
