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15 Low-Effort Memes That Didn't Take A Lot Of Thought

Two memes from the following collection.


Published October 08, 2021

If going on Reddit proves anything, it's that it doesn't take much to make a meme. There's one subreddit in particular called OkBuddyRetard which is the epicenter of low-brow content. With the right font and the right word choice, any image macro can become an unforgettable meme.

Life Hack

(Source: Reddit)

Deal. Wait, What'd I Sign Up For?

(Source: Reddit)

Hey :)

(Source: Reddit)

You Can Cough

(Source: Reddit)

Exit? Buy More Lamp

(Source: Reddit)

Right Answer

(Source: Reddit)

Some Stereotypes Are True

(Source: Reddit)

Gets It Back In The Mail

(Source: Reddit)

We Eatin' Good Tonight

(Source: Reddit)

Treat Yourself

(Source: Reddit)

The Bible Be Like

(Source: Reddit)

Trick Question

(Source: Reddit)

Never Gonna

(Source: Reddit)

Simple Minds

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: low effort, ironic, irony, absurd, meme, reddit, okbuddyretard, dumb, silly, shitposting, shitpost, collections,
