A "madlad" is someone who does something admirably idiotic while laughing in the face of repercussions. Consider, for example, the man who put fake arrows on the floor of an Ikea warehouse leading customers into an endless labyrinth of furniture displays, or any Florida Man who's ever attempted a prank. Sometimes, when we call someone a madlad, we mean it ironically. Other times, we're so in awe that we'll give them the title in all seriousness.

Either way, these people are hilarious, and we wish we were as funny as they are, although we'll never be able to compete with the madness of these lads. We wish we could be them, as long as what we're doing is legal, of course, not dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of manure on someone's lawn. Madlads are hard to find, but thanks to the /r/madlads subreddit, we'll always have a record of their funniest endeavors. Here are 15 of the best found by internet users everywhere.

Too Much Free Time?

(Source: Reddit)

Fooled a Teenager

(Source: Reddit)

Hacking the Teacher's Computer

(Source: Reddit)

Having the Time of His Life

(Source: Reddit)

Tempting the Moderators

(Source: Reddit)

Not a Compromise

(Source: Reddit)

Very Dangerous Behavior

(Source: Reddit)

A Responsible Mortician

(Source: Reddit)

A Public Menace

(Source: Reddit)

Marriage Announcement

(Source: Reddit)

Parenting 101

(Source: Reddit)

Another Zoom "Hacker"

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Taking Over the Padres Twitter

(Source: Reddit)

Bluetooth Rebellion

(Source: Reddit)

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