We've all had to use the city subway at least once in our lives. Whether you live in a populated area or not, taking the train is probably one of the most common forms of public transportation, especially in densely populated cities like Toronto or New York. That being said, the subway can also be home to a variety of weird and rather disturbing scenes and passengers, which brought to life the special subreddit /r/SubwayCreatures.

This subreddit is a depository for all the weird and unexplained people and scenarios you can apparently encounter on the subway. From odd exotic animals to questionable fashion statements, to entire marching bands just casually strolling in the underground depths of the city. These images show you the wide variety of people you can find out in the wild, and that you can truly expect the unexpected when you're taking your daily commute.

Just Hanging About

(Source: Reddit)

Chillaxing In Public

(Source: Reddit)

Just A Normal Day At The Subway

(Source: Reddit)

The Band's Back Together

(Source: Reddit)

Tunnel Old Man

(Source: Reddit)

Subway Furries

(Source: Reddit)

Gotta Blend In

(Source: Reddit)

Unexpected Passenger

(Source: Reddit)

Just Taking A Nap!

(Source: Reddit)

Most Normal Day In Paris

(Source: Reddit)

Average 1920s Subway Attendee

(Source: Reddit)

Just A Cockatoo And His Pet

(Source: Reddit)

Taiwanese MRT Fashion

(Source: Reddit)

Ham Missed The Train

(Source: Reddit)

Pirate On The Train!

(Source: Reddit)

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