Humor actually is all around us, especially when it's not intentional. Thanks to the subreddit /r/AccidentalComedy, users capture and submit photos of failed advertisements, internet conversations and television moments that inadvertently became hilarious. Below are some of our favorites.

The Keto diet really has everything.

(Source: Reddit)

I would love to store some self-rage.

(Source: Reddit)

What an interesting partnership.

(Source: Reddit)

No thank you.

(Source: Reddit)

I don't know who to believe.

(Source: Reddit)

Who doesn't love a sarcastic vending machine?

(Source: Reddit)

2019 has been super fun.

(Source: Reddit)

He deserves a gold medal for that name alone.

(Source: Reddit)

The new Catwoman movie looks great.

(Source: Reddit)

Anything for ratings!

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty cool that this bus wants me to die.

(Source: Reddit)

Don't know where they got that idea from!

(Source: Reddit)

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