Not everything ages like a fine wine. Some things spoil, a lot like milk. As time goes on, different things people have said in the past begin to look pretty bad when we check back on them. Sometimes these pictures were taken only hours apart, or other times they've taken years to resurface. They cover posts about disgraced celebrities, broken promises, well-hyped events that never happened, and many more uncomfortable subjects.

These images can be oddly entertaining now that we're in a time period where we know better, if we even believed in these things at all. We know not to get our hopes up too much, especially when it comes to something said online; thanks to thousands of spectacular failures (and successes) worldwide, we often find our expectations either crushed or exceeded, and these images perfectly capture the emotion behind discovering someone was wrong. These are some of the funniest images that aged like rotting milk.

Actions Have Consequences

(Source: Reddit)

Spoiled in Two Weeks

(Source: Reddit)

Special Occasion

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Good Advice

(Source: Reddit)

Just Imagine

(Source: Reddit)

Profile Pics

(Source: Reddit)

Commented Five Days Before Bob Saget's Death

(Source: Reddit)

What a Shame

(Source: Reddit)

Tweeted Eight Hours Before a Global Outage

(Source: Reddit)

Bad Meme, Aged Terribly

(Source: Reddit)

Punching the Air Right Now

(Source: Reddit)

5G Was Supposed to Kill Us All

(Source: Reddit)

Our High Hopes Were Crushed

(Source: Reddit)

Avatar 2

(Source: Reddit)

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