'90s nostalgia hits hard. It feels like we've been adults forever, but sometimes you stumble across something that could instantly remind you of better days. Thanks to Redditors who have successfully found a way to make us all feel old, here are some of the most specific images from your childhood to prove we've all had the same experiences.

These Styrofoam Gliders

(Source: Reddit)

Blowing Your Own Balloons

(Source: Reddit)

Circuit City

(Source: Reddit)

In Case You Lost Your Tooth at School

(Source: Reddit)

These Awful Calculators

(Source: Reddit)

Glo Worms

(Source: Reddit)

Fisher Price Skates

(Source: Reddit)

The Shake Maker

(Source: Reddit)

Old School Book It! Certificate

(Source: Reddit)

When Wendy's Used to Be Yellow

(Source: Reddit)

These Speakers

(Source: Reddit)

Kay-Bee Toy Store

(Source: Reddit)

I Can Taste This Picture

(Source: Reddit)

When Electronics Came in "Hip Hues"

(Source: Reddit)

These Were Honestly Kind of Gross

(Source: Reddit)

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Blessed Image
Wholesome Memes
90s Nostalgia


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