
15 Horrible Advertisements Made Of Broken Memes


Published 3 years ago

There's something incredibly cringeworthy about corporate memes and meme-themed advertisements. Memes and advertising just shouldn't be combined. We already hate ads, so adding in a poorly-used format is a good way to keep us away from a product for good. Nevertheless, companies try this all the time, and almost every time it's a miserable failure. Well, while it's miserable, it's also kind of hilarious, and not in a good way.

No matter how bad our business ideas may be, at least we never attempted something like this. We can't imagine how this was approved in a real-life pitch meeting, but someone genuinely thought this was a good idea and printed it on billboards or paid for online ads to show it to any innocent teen just scrolling through the web. In trying to make the world's youth buy their products, many companies succeed only in embarrassing themselves or creating something painfully cringeworthy. Here are some of the most memorable times advertisements killed a meme, if it wasn't dead already.

Samsung Is Sus

(Source: Reddit)


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Guardians of the Gums

(Source: Reddit)

Christian Advertising

(Source: Reddit)

Another One of These

(Source: Reddit)

Which Minecraft Egg Are You?

(Source: Reddit)

Spotify's Bops

(Source: Reddit)

Facts from NASCAR

(Source: Reddt)

Dump Your Router

(Source: Reddit)

Portable TikTok Ad

(Source: Reddit)

The Red Robin Stairway Keeping Up with the Times

(Source: Reddit)

You Better Tip

(Source: Reddit)

Please Send Us Your Memes So We Can Analyze Them Kids

(Source: Reddit)

Meat Stick 6ix 9ine

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: memes, corporate memes, cringe, cringeworthy, how do you do fellow kids, ads, marketing, bad memes, among us, among us memes, r/fellowkids, collections, advertisements,
