The useful site Quora serves as a place where anyone can ask a question and receive an answer that is either a fact or just purely an opinion. More likely, it's the latter, but that's just what happens when you ask dumb questions. It's honestly kind of impressive how dumb some of these questions are — as if the people behind them thought so hard about how they could make them illegible.

In addition to assisting others, the website also serves the comedic purpose of receiving some of the wildest questions known to man and luckily for the world, the subreddit /r/InsanePeopleQuora exists to collect all of the strangest ones posted to the site. Honestly, there are a lot of them. Nowadays, it's much more difficult to find a bad question than something you're actually searching for, but you're looking for the worst of the worst, and we're here to give it to you. Below are 15 of our favorite questions asked on Quora that should have never been thought of in the first place.

Wonder Why This Guy Can't Find Good Employees

(Source: Reddit)

Something Tells Me They Might Have Jobs and Families There, But I Could Be Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Paranoia Killed The Cat

(Source: Reddit)

She Took His Bed!

(Source: Reddit)

Probably So You Can Type Questions Like This?

(Source: Reddit)

Yes, Definitely Do It In His Sleep

(Source: Reddit)

Andrew Yang Even Posted A Question

(Source: Reddit)

No, You Should Call The Cops

(Source: Reddit)

Not At All Alarming To Read!

(Source: Reddit)

Yes, And Record The Reaction

(Source: Reddit)

IDK, Is It For April Fools?

When Movies Are Too Realistic

(Source: Reddit)

CPS, Where You At?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

When You Really Don't Want To Go Into Work

(Source: Reddit)

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