
15 Highly Off-Putting Comments That People Felt The Need To Share Online

Two images from the following collection.


Published December 08, 2022

The internet can be a good place to see some of the best of humanity — but it is also the best place to see some of the worst of humanity. These cursed comments prove just that. They offer a view inside the twisted minds of internet users and leave you wondering why they went through all that effort to put these terrible comments out in the first place. Was it a need for attention, a need for entertainment, or just sheer boredom?

Every now and then, we all stumble across a disturbing comment, but if you truly came across a comment so disagreeable that it made you laugh, you're probably now looking for more of those. You have come to the right place. Here are 15 cursed comments we can’t stop thinking about … and we bet you won’t either. You can hate them, but it's hard to ignore them.

New concept of extended family.

(Source: Reddit)

Cursed German villain

(Source: Reddit)

Cursed series.

(Source: Reddit)

This is the serial killer cinematic universe. We're all starring in it right now. We're mostly extras.

Don't Go There

(Source: Reddit)

Cursed biscuit.

(Source: Reddit)

How did someone even think of writing this down online for people to see?

You can guess

(Source: Reddit)

Cursed Squid Game.

(Source: Reddit)

Cursed goat

(Source: Reddit)

Cursed Indeed

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Cursed characters

(Source: Reddit)

So Aggressive

(Source: Reddit)

They Said It How It Is

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Free Money for Life?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: cursed, images, comment, comments, cursed comment, cursed comments, reddit, youtube, facebook, tubmlr, memes, collections,
