
15 Garage Sale Finds That Need To Be Thrown Out


Published 4 years ago

Of course, garage sales are used as a way for owners to throw out a bunch of junk they would like to get rid of from their homes. And if you happen to stumble upon one in your neighborhood, you might actually get lucky enough to find something pretty spectacular for a cheap price. And then, there are the times when you might witness some incredibly cursed items being sold. Below are 15 products collected from the subreddit /r/WtfGarageSale that we genuinely cannot believe are worth more than one dollar.

Come Play Spin The Bottle…With Your Family?

(Source: Reddit)

What's The Breed? Oh, Cabbage

(Source: Reddit)

Keep Your Cat Safe With This Useless Hat

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I Desperately Want To Watch This

(Source: Reddit)

A Lot Going On Here

(Source: Reddit)

The Only Book That Should Be Burned

(Source: Reddit)

A Scene From Hustlers

(Source: Reddit)

My Eyes Are Bleeding

(Source: Reddit)

Alrighty Then, Hannibal Lecter

(Source: Reddit)

Going To Need some More Information

(Source: Reddit)

A Bathroom Butler

(Source: Reddit)

He's Always Watching

(Source: Reddit)

Worse Than The Garfield Film

(Source: Reddit)

Why Are There TWO OF THEM?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/wtfgaragesale, garage sales, reddit, tinfoil hat, animals, cats, garfield, satan, jesus, baseball, art, george w. bush, olives, collections,
